Corporate Governance

Define Objective that Promote Sustainable Value Creation

The directors are responsible for determining, considering and approving key matters linked to the Company’s operation, e.g., vision, missions, objectives, strategies and possible risks. The directors shall take into account creation of value for the Company, clients, shareholders, stakeholders and the society as a whole.

Business Philosophy
To achieve sustainable growth and properly increase values for the stakeholders while taking into account relevant environmental aspects and providing benefits to the society as a whole, the Company has set the business philosophy with the aims to:
1) Enhance the competitiveness as a market leader in producing media and providing media-related services to
    the society.
2) Become an excellent organization with the working teams committed to creation of new things, based on
    confidence among one another; the operational standard is set for the management and employees at all
    levels, with the following details:
    • Focus on maximizing benefits for the Company in the long term in order to maximize value to shareholders;
    • Adhere fair treatment to both shareholders and stakeholders;
    • Prevent conflicts of interest;
    • Manage business with carefulness, caution and responsibility;
    • Perform duties with transparent operation that can be scrutinized;
    • Ensure that the Company’s internal control and internal audit systems are up to standard, reliable and efficient;
    • Set a code of ethical business or a code of conduct for the directors and employees to follow.

The Board of Directors oversees the Company’s annual plan and strategies, ensuring that they accord the main goal of the Company, taking into account the potential, relevant factors, ongoing circumstances, opportunities and acceptable risks. This is evidenced by the Company’s investment in filming equipment, of which the technology can change rapidly, along with the fact that clients tend to choose an operator who can provide new equipment. Hence, the Company has continued to invest in new equipment to meet client’s demand. Moreover, the Company has continued to enhance the personnel’s potential and skill to invent some special equipment with special techniques in order to provide technical support for the clients. Furthermore, regular trainings are provided for personnel so that they possess extensive expertise and skills in using equipment to facilitate the clients.

The Board of Directors always ensures that the Company’s business plans and strategies have been regularly reviewed to be prepared for potential changes. The Company has completed long-term business plans to ensure that the business has been operated in the right direction, based on the log-term business plans and strategies. Therefore, the Company is able to somewhat anticipate some possible events in future.

To communicate the Company’s vision, mission or major business goals to employees and external parties, the Company has released the vision, mission, business overview, and business goals on the Company’s website.