Corporate Governance

Establish Clear Leadership Role and Responsibilities of the Board

The Company’s directors shall possess skills, knowledge, abilities and extensive experience so that they can utilize their knowledge, skills, abilities and common senses to determine visions, missions, strategies, directions, policies, and objectives of the Company. The directors also monitor performance and ensure that objectives are achieved and perform duties in accordance with policies, regulations and related laws and requirements. They manage risks to ensure that the risks are at the acceptable level under the laws, objectives and shareholders’ meeting resolutions. They shall perform duties with honesty and caution, taking account of the biggest benefits to the Company. They should also be responsible for shareholders and all stakeholders. Additionally, they should work effectively, efficiently, transparently, with their performance being able to be securitized.

In addition to the operating performance, the directors should emphasize impacts of social issues as well as environmental and ethical issues. Morals and ethics should be promoted. The Company has strictly performed operation with transparency, honesty, and fairness; it has thus announced the code of ethical business or the code of conduct as standard operation guidelines for the directors, the management, and the employees. This code is clear enough to prevent wrongdoing or any actions that may damage images and the code also reflects the Company’s desire to have everyone strictly follow the laws and the Company’s policies and value. The Company has announced the code of ethical business on the website as a set of practical guidelines for all employees to perform with efficiency.